Colour Coded Social Distancing Gifts

Staying comfortable after the lockdown

On July 19th, the United Kingdom’s lockdown restrictions come to an end, as the country returns to a state of normality not seen since March 2019. Although this news is music to the ears of millions, many people aren’t comfortable going back to normal while the virus is still spreading.

With offices, schools, shops, and hospitality removing social distancing measures, it’s important to ensure that people are feeling comfortable and safe under the new conditions. So why not use your brand, logo, and messaging to help people feel a little safer as the lockdown ends?

At Sycal, we’ve introduced colour-coded promotional gifts designed to indicate what social distancing measures you should take around individual people. Products such as wristbands, lanyards, badges, and ID Card Holders are fantastic branded tools to help people understand how comfortable you are with being around others during the pandemic.

GREEN – I am happy to receive physical contact. Handshakes and hugs are fine with me.

YELLOW – I am happy to greet people with an elbow bump, but please respect my personal space.

RED – Please keep social distancing measures around me.

These custom branded gifts are the ideal solution for preventing people from feeling uncomfortable or having to have awkward conversations. If you’d like more information about colour-coded merchandise, or if you’re looking to learn about promoting your organisation after the lockdown ends, we’re here to help.

Speak to a member of our team today on 01234 841741, or email us at, we’re happy to help.