Sycal Ethical Trading Code of Practice
Sycal’s ethical conduct is defined as that which is legally and morally correct. This policy outlines our commitment to following Ethical Business Practices.
Compliance with Laws
Sycal business must be conducted in compliance with all applicable International and Local laws.
International Business Standards
Sycal recognises the principles of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) relating to labour standards.
Sycal operates this Code of Practice.
The following principles are covered by the ILO labour standards:
- Employment is freely chosen
- There shall be no use of forced bonded or compulsory labour. No worker shall be required to lodge deposits or identity papers with their employer.
- No discrimination in employment
- Equality of opportunity
- Child Labour is not used
- Freedom of Association and the right to collective bargaining are respected
- Living wages are paid
- Hours of work are not excessive
- Working conditions are decent
- The employment relationship is established
Whenever possible Sycal source goods from companies in the UK and overseas that are members of Sedex.