Plastic Free July is here again, and it’s the perfect time to rethink our reliance on single-use plastics. Not only can we make a positive impact on the environment, but we can also make smarter choices for our promotional products. At Sycal, we’ve got a fantastic range of eco-friendly alternatives that’ll help you cut down on plastic while still promoting your brand in style.

Let’s be honest, plastic is everywhere. It’s convenient, cheap, and seemingly unavoidable. But the truth is, it’s wreaking havoc on our planet. From overflowing landfills to polluted oceans, plastic waste is a global problem that demands our attention.

By participating in Plastic Free July, you’re not just making a personal commitment to reduce your plastic footprint, you’re joining a movement of millions who are demanding change. It’s a chance to show your customers and clients that your brand cares about sustainability, and that you’re taking steps to be part of the solution.

Did you know the average person uses a staggering 156 single-use plastic bottles annually, with less than a quarter actually being recycled? Making the switch to reusable drinking bottles can make an incredible difference.

Aluminum is a sustainability superstar! It can be recycled endlessly, and doing so uses a whopping 95% less energy than creating new aluminium, significantly reducing emissions and greenhouse gases. It’s so durable that an amazing 75% of all aluminium ever produced, almost a billion tons, is still in use today.

It’s now the world’s most recycled material, surpassing even paper and glass.

Our branded aluminium and stainless steel bottles offer a wide array of styles, colours, and sizes, with more branding options than plastic could ever dream of. Plus, they’re the ultimate insulators, keeping your drinks hot or cold for hours on end.

Make the switch today and elevate your brand while protecting the planet!

July also marks Plastic Bag Free Day on the 3rd, which aims to discourage the use of disposable single-use carrier bags by switching to longer-lasting, reusable bags.

If you’re fed up with flimsy plastic bags that break easily and harm the environment, take the switch to our sturdy, reusable tote bags! They’ll carry your shopping with ease, reduce plastic waste, and show you care about sustainability.

Our tote bags come in a wide range of styles and materials, from classic canvas to trendy recycled options. They’re perfect for your weekly shop, popping to the market, or even as a fashionable accessory. Plus, each bag can be personalised with your logo, making it a walking advert for your brand.

By choosing our reusable tote bags, you’re not only making a savvy choice for yourself, but also for the planet. Ditch single-use plastic and embrace a greener, more convenient way to shop.

Plastic Free July is a great starting point, but it’s just the first step on a journey towards a more sustainable future. By choosing eco-friendly promotional products, you’re not only reducing your plastic waste, you’re making a statement about your brand’s values.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s ditch the plastic together and embrace a brighter, greener future. Get in touch with our team today to discover our full range of plastic-free promotional products and start making a difference this Plastic Free July.

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