Promotional Eco-friendly Charging Dock
Wireless charging with recycled plastic
Every single month, we’re scouting the world for the most influential and innovative promotional merchandise options designed to boost your brand identity as effectively as possible.
Have you ever wondered what happened to those old white goods you used to own? Who would have thought your fridge could have become the star of your next promotional marketing campaign.
In a single year, 381 million tonnes of plastic waste is produced worldwide. Unfortunately, this number is set to double by 2034 unless immediate action is taken.
The Walter Waste Dock is a great promotional gift option, designed to make the most out of former household appliances and make a lasting positive impression with your customers. Manufactured from recycled plastics; collected from disassembled refrigerators and household goods, the Walter Waste Dock ensure that unwanted appliances find a new home. Rather than ending up in a landfill or incinerator, the plastics are reshaped, repurposed, and rebranded.
Once the waste has been collected, cleaned, and shredded down into small particles, the recycled plastics are manually spread out and pressed into new shapes. As this process is manual, the texture of every single dock is unique, as no two will look identical. Once cut and moulded, we can personalise the gift option with your logo or messaging.
You can choose whether you want your dock to be made from a recycled refrigerator or a household electronic, either option helps the environment while still providing a snazzy branded gadget. Each dock comes with a 1.5m USB cable and a slot to place a Walter Wallet.
Not only do these recycled charging docks use less energy to produce, they actually save energy while charging your phone. When you use this wireless dock and your phone has finished charging, the dock automatically turns off. In turn, this uses less energy as well as stops your phone from overcharging and overheating.
While buying recycled and sustainable products is very beneficial to our environment, it is also important to remember to correctly and responsibly recycle in the first place. Otherwise repurposed products like this wouldn’t exist. When you recycle, there are many possibilities as to what that item can become.
For more information about our recycled and eco-friendly merchandise speak to a member of our team today on 01234 841741, or drop an email over to sales@sycal.co.uk, we’re happy to help.