Electronics and Gadgets
When it comes to selecting effective and impactful promotional merchandise options, nothing leaves an impression quite like custom branded electronics and gadgets. Designed to have a high-perceived value and an unparallel level of desirability, promotional gadgets can showcase your brand, logo, or colour scheme and ensure you stay in your customers' minds for a long-time.
4-In-1 Keyring Charging Cable
4000mah Credit Card Power Bank
40cm Custom Branded Light Cube
5.000 Mah Pocket Powerbank With Integrated Cables
5w Wheat Straw Wireless Charger
5w Wireless Charging Pad Round
6 In 1 Light Up Charger
60cm Custom Branded Light Cube
Acrylic Phone Ring Holder
ADAPT aluminum Type-C multimedia adapter (USB-A/Type-C/HDMI)
ADAPT aluminum USB-C to USB-A 3.0 adapter
Aero magnetic phone holder
Ahead Helmet Speaker
Air Mousepad With 5w Wireless Charging And USB
Aira wheat straw Bluetooth speaker
Airtune RCS recycled plastic ANC earbuds with touch screen